Support the Miami International Piano Festival
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Scroll down to explore the different categories of donors according to the provided amounts.
Be Part of the MIPF
Donate Through PayPalWrite down the amount you want to donate through the external link above.
Once it is done, we will contact you right away to celebrate your membership to our family!

$10 - $99

$100 - $299
Exclusive advance notice of all events

$300 - $499
Exclusive advance notice of all events

$500 - $999
Name on Festival website, and listing in event program. Two general admission tickets to any Festival series event, and exclusive rate at host hotel and restaurant during event weekend. Invitation to the performance after-party. One Annual Patron membership for individual donors; name in monthly newsletters for corporate sponsors.

$1,000 - $4,999
Name on Festival website, listing in event program and in annual satisfaction survey. Four general admission tickets to any Festival series event, and exclusive rate at host hotel and restaurant during event weekend. Invitation to the performance after-party. One Annual Patron membership for individual donors; name in monthly newsletters and 25% discount on an ad in event program for corporate sponsors.

$5,000 - $9,999
Logo or name on Festival website, and in monthly e-newsletter. Listing in event program, in annual satisfaction survey, on lobby poster at event, and in annual brochure. Eight general admission tickets to any Festival series event. Two VIP tickets to your sponsored event and complimentary intermission cocktails for your VIP guests, venue permitting. Invitation to the performance after-party. Two Annual Patron memberships for individual donors; 50% discount on an ad in event program for corporate sponsors.
Concert Angel

$10,000 - $19,999
Logo with link, or name on Festival website, logo or name in monthly e-newsletter, in annual satisfaction survey, on lobby poster at event, in annual brochure and on event postcard. Listing in event program, on monthly e-blasts, in print ads, and in press releases. Name mentioned in pre-show curtain speeches. Inclusion on Festival YouTube page.
Twelve general admission tickets to any Festival series event. Discount on additional series tickets. Six VIP tickets to any Festival series event, complimentary pre-show and intermission cocktails, venue permitting, and invitation to the performance after-party for your VIP guests. Photo with the Festival artist of your choice after their performance. One lifetime Patron membership for individual donors; complimentary 1/2-page ad in event program for corporate sponsors.