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Where piano comes to life
Welcome to the virtual platform of the Miami International Piano Festival. Enjoy free state-of-the-art piano videos.
We help musicians stand out
The MIPF Virtual Platform allows you to experience state-of-the-art audiovisual productions featuring MIPF artists FOR FREE by registering on our website.
You will also be able to directly support our featured artists by donating , and allowing us produce new & exclusive content with them.
Why we ask for your support

Great concerts, masterclasses and lectures
The MIPF Virtual Platform allows you to experience state-of-the-art audiovisual productions featuring MIPF artists in echange of a donation.
See all concerts available
Know our Season
Do you want to attend any of the MIPF's concerts in South Florida?
Explore all the concerts programmed in Miami, Miami Beach and Aventura for our 2024-2025 season.
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